Suicide Therapies That Work
Earn 6.0 Professional CE Hours.
Fri March 29 2019 8:30am - 3:30pm
National University-Spectrum Campus 9388 Lightwave Ave. San Diego CA 92123
Fees: $145-$175
PROGRAM:ALL CALIFORNIA PSYCHOLOGISTS, LCSW'S, AND MFT'S WILL BE REQUIRED TO ATTEND A TRAINING IN SUICIDE THERAPIES BY 2020 OR 2021—THIS OUTSTANDING COURSE MEETS ALL REQUIREMENTS FOR LICENSURE AND RE-LICENSURE! Join internationally-recognized author Dr. Lisa Firestone to identify the most important techniques/tools for assessing suicidal risk, recognize innovative and effective suicide therapies which will assist clinicians in practicing to the standard of care, and activate strategies to minimize the risk of successful lawsuits or sanctions.
FACULTY: Lisa Firestone, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist in Santa Barbara and the Director of Research and Education at The Glendon Association. She is the author of Conquer Your Critical Inner Voice, Creating a Life of Meaning and Compassion and The Self under Siege. Dr. Firestone is a national and international presenter on the topics of suicide and violence as well as couple relationships and parenting.
For information and registration info, go to www.RTIprojects.orgor call 619.296.8103 x10
Contact Us:San Diego Psychological Association4699 Murphy Canyon Rd. Suite 105San Diego, CA 92123
Katherine ProsserOffice Manager Office (858) 277-1463 Fax (858) 277-1402 E-Mail