SDPA offers advertisement on its Website and in its communications to members and non-members. Advertisement categories and details of each are listed below.
SDPA offers classified ads for both members and non-members. Classified ads are published via the Classified Ads banner on the front page of our Website and via a link in the Office E-News that is sent to our members no less than once per month (approximately 600 members). Classified ads are FREE for our members and expire after two months. Classified ads are $65 for non-members and expire after one month. Classified ads should include the following information; type of classified ad (office space rental, opportunities, for sale, other), title of classified ad, description/content, contact name, contact phone, contact e-mail, city, state, and zip.
1 MONTH $75
3 MONTHS (10% discount) $200
6 MONTHS (20% discount) $360
Classified ads should be submitted in the following format:
Send in photos make sure they are horizontal only. NO vertical photos. MAX 4.
The Office Manager will review the application to be sure it is consistent with SDPA rules for classified ads. For non-members, an invoice will be generated and send to the applicant. The invoice will contain a link that will allow the applicant to pay by credit card. Once payment is received and the classified ad is approved by the Office Manager, the classified ad will be included in the Classified Ads sections of our Website and Office E-News.
SDPA offers advertising on the front page of our Website, at the bottom of our Office E-News, and at the bottom of our E-Blasts. Office E-News is published no less than once per month to our members (approximately 600 members). E-Blasts are sent out as needed to publicize various SDPA events/activities and may be published to members only or to our entire contact list (over 3,700). The ad on the front page of our Website is a company logo linked to a company website. The ads in the Office E-News and the E-Blasts are approximately 940 x 470 px if viewed on a computer. Submit the ad in .jpeg format. To apply for an ad please contact our Office Manage (see below).
Note: This excludes advertisement on any conference e-blasts or programs.
Members Non-Members
1 Month $100 $200
3 Months $250 $350
6 Months $480 $580
9 Months $675 $775
12 Months $960 $1,060