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SDPA CE Event - Reducing Health Disparities in Our Communities

  • 05/05/2019
  • 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • SDPA Office


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The event is free to everyone.  

CE credit is free for SDPA members and CSPP faculty/students.  
CE credit for others is $25 PER UNIT.

Sunday, May 5, 2019
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM


SDPA Office
4699 Murphy Canyon Rd.
San Diego, CA 92123

Reducing Health Disparities in Our Communities: 
Challenges and Opportunities for Psychologists

2 CEs

An Emerging Framework for Healthcare: Opportunities for Psychology
Keynote: Arthur C. Evans Jr., Ph.D. 

Changes are taking place rapidly across the healthcare landscape. Out of these changes, a framework focused on population health is emerging that will have a profound impact on healthcare and psychological practice. Importantly, this framework provides many opportunities for practicing psychologists. This presentation will highlight how psychologists are uniquely qualified to capitalize on these changes. Moreover, this presentation will illustrate how a population health framework better enables psychologists and other behavioral health professionals to reach underserved populations and help diverse groups with unaddressed behavioral health needs.

Gendered Journeys: Psychology, Migration, and Inequalities
Local Focus: Oliva Espin, Ph.D.  

The lived experience of immigrants and refugees, particularly as shaped by gender power differentials in the countries of origin and in the receiving countries, demand forms of knowledge that challenge extant paradigms in psychology. Envisioning forms of research and practice fostering a relationality that incorporates differences without obliterating uniqueness is essential to a meaningful and transformative psychology of migration. Proposed suggestions and alternatives to address the present situation and increase the relevance of our professional contributions to issues of psychology and migration will be discussed.


  • 1:00 - 2:00 PM   Arthur Evans Keynote            
  • 2:00 - 3:00 PM   Oliva Espin Local Focus
  • 3:00 - 3:15 PM   Break
  • 3:15 - 3:30 PM   I-MERIT Presentation
  • 3:30 - 3:45 PM   Arthur Evans-APA Leadership & Vision
  • 3:55 - 4:55 PM   Town Hall w/ Dr. Evans
We cannot award CEU certificates to participants who arrive 15 minutes late at the start of the workshop or those who leave early.

About the Speakers

Arthur Evans, Jr., Ph.D.

Scientist-practitioner, clinical and community psychologist and health care innovator Arthur C. Evans Jr., PhD, is CEO of the American Psychological Association, a post he assumed on March 20, 2017. In this position, he heads the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the United States, with researchers, educators, clinicians, consultants and students as its members. 

Before joining APA, Evans spent 12 years as commissioner of Philadelphia’s Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Service, a $1.2 billion health care agency that is the behavioral health and intellectual disabilities safety net for 1.5 million Philadelphians. He realigned the agency’s treatment philosophy, service delivery models and fiscal policies to improve health outcomes and increase the efficiency of the service system. The transformation of the Philadelphia service system has saved millions of dollars that the city reinvested in other community-based services. 

Oliva M. Espín, Ph.D. is Professor Emerita in the Department of Women’s Studies at San Diego State University and Professor Emerita of Psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology of Alliant International University. Dr. Espín was a pioneer in the practice and theory of feminist therapy with women from different cultural backgrounds. particularly US-born Latinas and immigrant/refugee women. She has extensive experience training clinician in U.S. and international contexts. A native of Cuba, she received her BA in Psychology from the University of Costa Rica and her PhD from the University of Florida. She did post-doctoral work at Harvard University with a fellowship from NIMH, focusing on Psychological Anthropology and Qualitative Methodology. She was a member of the APA Committee for International Relations in Psychology and has served in Council and other APA Committees. She represented APA to the International Network on LGBT Concerns in Psychology and was President of Division 44 of the APA.Among many professional awards, she has received the American Psychological Association Award for Distinguished Professional Contribution to Public Service; the Distinguished Career Award from the Association for Women in Psychology and the Christine Ladd-Franklin Award for her long-term contributions to Feminist Psychology and two Women of Color Publication Awards from the same Association. APA’s Division of International Psychology honored her for her Outstanding International Contributions to the Psychology of Women and Gender and named her Outstanding International Psychologist. She has also received an Award for Outstanding Leaders in Psychology from the American Psychological Foundation. She was honored as an Elder at the National Multicultural Summit for her lifelong work on multicultural issues in psychology. Throughout her career, she has published many articles and books. Dr. Espín held the Fulbright Distinguished Chair in Gender Studies at the University of Klagenfurt, Austria in 2010.

CO-SPONSORED BY: San Diego Psychological Association, CSPP, and I-MERIT


Contact Us:
San Diego Psychological Association
4699 Murphy Canyon Rd.  Suite 105
San Diego, CA 92123

Katherine Prosser
Office Manager
(858) 277-1463
Fax (858) 277-1402

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