Jean Lau Chin, EdD, ABPP
Professor, Adelphi Univserity
June 20, 2019
1:30 PM - 4:15 PM
Free Event
CE's pending approval free for SDPA Members only.
Alliant International University - San Diego (Green Hall)
10455 Pomerado Road
San Diego CA 92131
Leadership today is more important than ever as the 21st century brings about rapid and significant change in society and our institutions. As our communities become increasingly diverse and our international borders become more fluid and narrow, leadership models need to be inclusive and relevant to the diverse populations and leaders in today’s society. How do we examine and ensure culturally competent and inclusive leadership? What leadership styles are effective and relevant to our communities today? As our book Diversity and Leadership (Chin & Trimble, 2014) demonstrates, culture matters in leadership. Social identities and lived experiences influence the exercise of leadership, and social and organizational contexts in which leadership is exercised are shaped by cultural values, follower expectations, and the exchange between leaders and followers. Drawing on research of diverse leaders, I will discuss developing leadership competencies and promoting organizational cultures toward global and diverse leadership and the barriers that might mitigate against it.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify new paradigms for global and diverse leadership
- Describe the influence of gender and ethnicity on the exercise of leadership
- Describe how social and organizational contexts interact with leadership
1:30 - 3:00 (CE eligible) Global and Diverse Leadership
- Introduction
- Leadership for 21st Century
- Global and Diverse Leadership
- Making way for new paradigms of leadership: DLMOX
- So you want to be a leader!
- Discussion
- Question & Answer
3:00-3:15 pm Break
3:15-4:15 pm Town Hall: Psychologists LEAD
During the town hall, Dr. Chin will discuss her vision of "Let’s LEAD Together with psychologists as Leaders to Empower, Advocate and use our psychology toward actions that make a Difference." Dr. Chin will discuss how to build a process to listen, learn and co-create an agenda for change. She believes we need to rethink how our structure and processes can be diverse and inclusive of all perspectives. We also need to empower all voices and figure out how to advocate for all of psychology as well as how Psychologists LEAD can impact current issues in society and our profession.
About the Speaker
Jean Lau Chin, EdD, ABPP is Professor at Adelphi University in New York, and was Fulbright Scholar and Distinguished Chair to the University of Sydney, Australia for her research on global and diverse leadership. She has held leadership roles as Dean at Adelphi University, Systemwide Dean at Alliant International University, Executive Director of South Cove Community Health Center and Co-Director of Thom Mental Health Clinic. Currently, her scholarship on global and diverse leadership includes examining women and ethnic minority issues. She has published 18 books and many publications and talks. Her most recent book is: Global and Culturally Diverse Leaders and Leadership: Challenges for Business, Education and Society. She is the first Asian American to be licensed as a psychologist in Massachusetts. Her commitment to women, diversity, and international psychology is reflected in her roles as past-president of APA Divisions of International Psychology, Women, and, Ethnic Minorities. She has also been active in governance including: Council Leadership Team Chair and board member of the American Psychological Association, and is currently running for APA President.
Conflict of Interest or commercial Support: No
Target Audience:Licensed Psychologists, Graduate Psychology Students and Allied Mental Health Professionals
Instructional Level: Intermediate
Attendance Policy: CE Credit and Certificates will not be issued to those who arrive later than 10 minutes or leave early from any course scheduled time. This policy is highly enforced to ensure compliance with APA Guidelines.
Cancellation Policy: No refund will be given to any registered individual who is a no-show to a course. Any individual canceling within 72 hours of a course will be charged 50% of the course fee.
ADA Accessibility Policy: SDPA is committed to nondiscrimination and accessibility at all events. We will work to ensure participants have access to ADA compliant resources. Upon registration please indicate accommodations you require or email the office at This is an ADA compliant venue.
American Psychological Association
The San Diego Psychological Association (SDPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. SDPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Co-sponsored by San Diego Psychological Association and CSPP.