SDPA Sport Psychology Committee meeting
December 12th, 2020 10 am - 12 pm
Meeting ID: 932 1422 8403 Passcode: 595343
Our intent in developing this committee is to serve as a resource to you all as we collectively pursue the goal of advancing the study and practice of sport psychology at all levels of competitive sport in order to promote the mental well-being of athletes of all backgrounds.
The initial meeting will include introductions and structured discussions to get an idea about members' specific interests and needs. Please do not hesitate to ask me, Dr. Wagner or Tami Magaro any questions.
Contact Us:San Diego Psychological Association4699 Murphy Canyon Rd. Suite 105San Diego, CA 92123
Katherine ProsserOffice Manager Office (858) 277-1463 Fax (858) 277-1402 E-Mail