SDPA Bylaws require that an annual meeting of the members (State of the Association) be held in the first quarter of each year for the purpose of transacting such business as may come before the meeting.
At this meeting, Joe Severino, Ph.D. 2020 SDPA President will present a report on SDPA Mission accomplishments achieved during his year. SDPA Treasurer Carrie Jaffe, Ph.D. will present a report on SDPA 2020 finances. Incoming SDPA President Saurabh Gupta, Ph.D. will present his Strategic Plan for SDPA for 2021.
Members will be given an opportunity to ask questions and to give feedback. Tell us what we have done well and where there is room for improvement. Give us your wish lists re the future! What should SDPA do to best meet the needs of members? What should SDPA do to improve the field of psychology? To what extent should SDPA be involved in mental health issues and other community issues? To what extent should SDPA be involved in current national issues? How can SDPA increase opportunities for psychologists to communicate and collaborate with each other? We want your thoughts and your company!
This event is free and we welcome all SDPA members.
Contact Us:San Diego Psychological Association4699 Murphy Canyon Rd. Suite 105San Diego, CA 92123
Katherine ProsserOffice Manager Office (858) 277-1463 Fax (858) 277-1402 E-Mail