Healing, Trauma and Deficits Through Body Psychotherapy and Memory Reconsolidation
Sep 17 -19 2021
Training for Pesso Boyden System Psychotherapy (PBSP) Training opportunity for therapeutic modality that is incredibly effective and underutilized. PBSP is not a new modality, but becoming more popular in the west coast. Best known as a recommended therapy for trauma in Van der Kolk’s, The Body Keeps the Score. This modality has evolved over the course of more than 60 years and is uniquely aligned with the latest neuroscience regarding trauma and memory reconsolidation.
Per Bessel Van der Kolk: During a PBSP “structure” or session, the client physically re-experiences “the past in the present and reworks it in a safe and supportive 'container.' ...this creates new supplemental memories: simulated experiences of growing up in an attuned affectionate setting where [the client] is protected from harm. Structures do not erase bad memories, or even neutralize them, instead a structure offers fresh options, an alternative memory in which your basic human needs are met and your longing for love and protection are fulfilled.”
When: Training dates scheduled: September 17th, 18th, 19th. Sessions will run from 10 am – 5 pm each day. Check-in will begin at 9:30 each day.
Where: Location to be announced to registered attendees.
Trainer: Jim Admundson is the President of the PBSP and our west coast trainer for PBSP. He learned PBSP from Al Pesso and Diane Boyden.
This is the first of three three-day weekend trainings. If you commit to all three of the weekend trainings, the cost is $350.00. If you can only attend one weekend, the cost is $400.00. Jim Admundson will be posting the two upcoming training dates on the website https://pbspamericaconnect.org.
If you are interested in joining the training call or text Dr. Aimee Pearson at 619-647-5592 or email at draimeepearson@yahoo.com
There is a limit to how many people can attend.
If you would like to read my dissertation on PBSP, that explains an example of a structure, you can go to my website www.aimeepearson.com
Contact Us:San Diego Psychological Association4699 Murphy Canyon Rd. Suite 105San Diego, CA 92123
Diana GarzaOffice Manager Office (858) 277-1463 Fax (858) 277-1402 E-Mail sdpa@sdpsych.org