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  • SDPA CE Event - Disability Health Disparities

SDPA CE Event - Disability Health Disparities

  • 01/29/2022
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Zoom


Disability Health Disparities 
Speaker: Dr. Alette Coble-Temple


January 29, 2022
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Zoom Meetings

Free for SDPA Members
$30 - Non-Members
$20 Non-Member Students



NOTE: After you register you will need to register to the zoom meeting, which we will provide you the link.  Everyone will be on video.

Disability is the one contextual variable that intersects all other diversity components. While the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) was signed into law in 1990, the field of psychology continues to operate in an oppressive manner. This dynamic and experiential workshop will lead participants in structured learning and interactive activities to empower the field of counseling to shift methods of research, education, training, and practice as they relate to the contextual variable of disability. Case vignettes, film strips, and current evidence-based practice guidelines will also be integrated throughout the presentation.

Learning Objectives:

1. Provide a historical context of disability and the field of counseling.

2. Describe how counseling theories, diagnosis, and treatment can lead to continued stigmatization and oppression for people with disabilities.

3. Review the models of disability and how they intersect with treatment.

4. Introduce the fundamental principles of disability affirmative therapy.

5. Dissect and practice the implementation of assessment and treatment guidelines for people with disabilities.


Alette Coble-Temple, Psy.D.

Dr. Alette Coble-Temple is a licensed clinical psychologist for the California Department of State Hospitals and Director of Clinical Training for the JFK School of Psychology, PsyD Program at National University (NU). She is currently Chair for the Board of Advancement of Psychology in the Public Interest (BAPPI) for the American Psychological Association (APA). She previously served as the Chair for the Committee on Women in Psychology (2017-18) and Committee for Disability Issues in Psychology (2000-2004). Her cultural-responsive leadership style promotes innovative academic and training structures to strengthen accessibility and effectiveness of psychological services across populations. Dr. Coble-Temple was crowned Ms. Wheelchair America 2016 for her lifetime advocacy efforts for people with disabilities. Her professional advocacy is in the public interest areas of disability, criminal justice reform, racism, gender equality, and healthcare disparities leading her to serve on multiple boards and committees at the national and state levels.

Target Audience:  

Licensed Psychologists and Mental Health Professionals

Conflict of interest or commercial support:

There is no commercial support related to this program and no conflict of interest related to this program.

Conflicts of Interest: As an APA-approved sponsor of continuing education, San Diego Psychological Association is committed to the identification and resolution of potential conflicts of interest in the planning, promotion, delivery, and evaluation of continuing education. Please review the conflict of interest guideline below.

APA Guidelines Regarding Potential Conflicts of Interest
Consistent with concepts outlined in the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, potential conflicts of interest occur when an individual assumes a professional role in the planning, promotion, delivery, or evaluation of continuing education where personal, professional, legal, financial, or other interests could reasonably be expected to impair his or her objectivity, competence, or effectiveness.

CE Grievance Procedure
SDPA is fully committed to conducting all activities in strict conformance with the APAs Ethical Principles of Psychologists.  SDPA will comply with all legal and ethical responsibilities to be non-discriminatory in promotional activities, program content and in the treatment of program participants.  
See CE Grievance Procedure.

Attendance Policy:
 CE Credit and Certificates will not be issued to those who arrive later than 10 minutes or leave early from any course scheduled time. This policy is strictly enforced to ensure compliance with APA Guidelines.

Cancellation Policy:  No refund will be given to any registered individual who is a no-show to a course. Any individual canceling within 72 hours of a course will be refunded 50% of the course fee.

ADA Compliant venue for accessibility accommodations contact Tami Magaro - sdpa@sdpsych.org.


American Psychological Association
The San Diego Psychological Association (SDPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. SDPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

In California, APA approved CE’s are valid for licensed psychologists, licensed school psychologists, LCSW, LMFT, LEP & LPCC licensees. Though APA is a national organization, the out of state licensee should check with their state governing board to make sure that APA approved CE'’s are valid in their state for their license. 

Contact Us:
San Diego Psychological Association
4699 Murphy Canyon Rd.  Suite 105
San Diego, CA 92123

Katherine Prosser
Office Manager
(858) 277-1463
Fax (858) 277-1402

San Diego Psychological Association is a 501(c) 6 non-profit organization.
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