Ethics and Popcorn:
In Treatment Season 4 Episode 2 - CPDs

PRODUCED BY: Ethics and Standards Committee
FACILITATED BY: Brenda Gomez, Psy.D./Nusha Nouhi, Ph.D.
DATE/TIME: OPTION 1 Tuesday, October 10, 2023 6:30 PM
DATE/TIME: OPTION 2 Wednesday, October 18, 2023 7:00 PM
LOCATION: Home of Nusha Nouhi, Ph.D. (Downtown San Diego)
RSVP OPTION 1 Brenda Gomez, Psy.D.
RSVP OPTION 2: Nusha Nouhi, Ph.D. by October 11, 2023
SDPA Members Only!
FEE: Free
DESCRIPTION: The Ethics and Standards Committee is hosting dual evenings of discussion of In Treatment Season 4 Episode 2. Participants will collaboratively evaluate the ethics, laws and standards reflected in the show.
The first evening option is a Zoom session of collaborative evaluation. Participants will have watched the movie prior to attending.
The second evening option is a live screening at the home of Dr. Nouhi in Downtown San Diego preceded by a potluck dinner and popcorn and followed by collaborative discussion.
In Treatment is an American drama television series produced and developed by Rodrigo Garcia. The series is about a psychotherapist, 50-something Paul Weston, and his weekly sessions with patients, as well as those with his own therapist at the end of the week.
CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD): This activity qualifies for CPD under the California Board of Psychology Continuing Professional Development effective January 1, 2023, under the heading of "Peer Consultation", one hour of activity equals one hour credited. The activity also qualifies for the Ethics requirement. Licensees shall maintain a record of hours. The record shall include the date, type of activity, and total number of hours.