Interview with John Edman:
Head Baseball Coach at La Jolla Country Day School/
Father of St. Louis Cardinal's Tommy Edman

PRODUCED BY: SDPA Sport Psychology Committee
SPEAKER: John Edman - Head Baseball Coach La Jolla Country Day School
DATE/TIME: Monday, April 15, 2024 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 830 3358 3797
Passcode: 439721
FEE: Free
RSVP: Co-Chair Michael Saleh, Psy.D.
The Committee will be discussing how Coach Edman's philosophies on baseball, family, and faith helped him build a highly successful high school baseball program and influenced his son's journey to become a Major League ballplayer.
John Edman joined La Jolla Country Day School in 1999, and he is constantly reinvigorated by the sense of family and camaraderie as faculty and students alike strive to make the world a better place. He loves that students have the chance to experience a wide variety of academic, athletic, artistic, and service opportunities while also being encouraged to pursue their passions and become excellent in areas of special importance to them.
Mr. Edman's baseball teams have accumulated 370 wins, including 20 wins in 8 of the last 14 seasons. The Torreys have won six of the last ten Coastal Conference titles and won the CIF Championship in 2011. He has had 45 players compete collegiately and six play professionally including his son, Tommy Edman, and Alfonso Rivas who both play for the St. Louis Cardinals.
Mr. Edman graduated from Williams College with honors, earning a Bachelor of Arts in economics with a concentration in mathematics. After four years of teaching math and coaching baseball at his alma mater, Cranbrook Kingswood, in Michigan, he went on to earn his Master of Science in statistics from the University of Michigan while also serving as an assistant coach for the University of Michigan baseball team. He moved to San Diego in 1999 with his wife and three children., all of whom have been proud lifers at LJCDS.
Michael Saleh, Psy.D. or
SDPA Office Manager
Diana Garza