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Board Positions and Responsibilities

The Board consists of sixteen members: President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Treasurer, Treasurer-Elect, Secretary, Graduate Student Representative and nine Members at Large. President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Treasurer-Elect and Graduate Student Representative positions serve for one-year.  The President obligation involves a three-year commitment in total, President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President.  All other Board positions serve for two years and the terms are staggered (Odd Year/Even Year) so that each year approximately half term-out and those seats need to be filled.  


The President is chief executive officer of SDPA.  It is the President's job to do the work of the Association with oversight from the Board.  The President typically presides over Board meetings, however, in any given year, another Board member may be assigned the job of Presiding Officer.  The President manages the day-to-day operations in the SDPA Office and the events/activities of the committees to assure they are executed in a manner consistent with Board approval.  The President manages the internal office staff and oversees SDPA communications.  It is the President's responsibility to recruit volunteers to do the work of the Association and to ask for Board assistance if recruitment for a role is particularly problematic.  It is the President's responsibility to develop themes for networking events and for the Year-End Celebration.  The President works with the CPD Committee to develop continuing education goals for the year and suggests themes for major conferences. The President is the spokesperson for SDPA to the membership and to the public.  The President serves as chair of the Executive Committee and as a member of the Finance Committee.  The President serves as an ex-officio (voting) member of all committees and task forces. See Policies and Procedures Chapter 3 for more detail on the role of the President.


The President-Elect serves on the Board for one year prior to succeeding to the office of the President.  The President-Elect serves as an ex-officio (voting) member of all committees and task forces.  The President-Elect's job is to work with the President to gain the experience necessary to be President the following year.  It is the responsibility of the President-Elect to develop a Strategic Plan/Budget for their Presidential year following.  The President-Elect serves on the Executive Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Nominations, Elections and Awards Committee.  The President-Elect serves as an ex-officio (voting) member of all committees and task forces.  See Policies and Procedures Chapter 3 for more detail on the role of the President-Elect.


It is the responsibility of the Immediate Past President to provide the current President with support and assistance as needed.  The Immediate Past President serves as chair of the Nominations, Elections and Awards Committee and as a member of the Executive Committee.  See Policies and Procedures Chapter 3 for more detail on the role of the Immediate Past President.


The Treasurer serves as chief financial officer of the Association and is the custodian of SDPA funds.  The Treasurer is responsible for reporting to the Board monthly and to the voting membership yearly the financial status of the Association.  The Treasurer is the chair of the Finance Committee and also serves on the Executive Committee.  See Policies and Procedures Chapter 3 for more detail on the role of the Treasurer.


The Treasurer-Elect serves on the Board for one year prior to succeeding to the office of the Treasurer.  The Treasurer-Elect's job is to work with the Treasurer to gain the experience necessary to be Treasurer the following year.  The Treasurer-Elect serves as a member of the Executive Committee and the Finance Committee.  See Policies and Procedures Chapter 3 for more detail on the role of the Treasurer-Elect.


The Secretary shall supervise the keeping of a full and complete record of the meetings of the Full Members and the Board, shall supervise the giving of such notices as may be proper or necessary, shall supervise the keeping of the minute books and membership records of SDPA.  See Policies and Procedures Chapter 3 for more detail on the role of the Secretary.


The Graduate Student Representative is chair of the Graduate Student Committee and is liaison to the Graduate Students Committee.


There are nine Members-at-Large positions on the Board.  Each Member-at-Large is assigned to be liaison to a certain group of committees and will report at each meeting the status of those committees.  See Board Committee Liaisons for more detail.  


Contact Us:
San Diego Psychological Association
4699 Murphy Canyon Rd.  Suite 105
San Diego, CA 92123

Katherine Prosser
Office Manager
(858) 277-1463
Fax (858) 277-1402

San Diego Psychological Association is a 501(c) 6 non-profit organization.
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