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SDPA CE Event - When Gambling Becomes a Problem

  • 03/03/2018
  • 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • SDPA Office


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Gambling Disorder is now included in the DSM-V as the only behavior in the Addictive Disorders diagnostic category. The growing knowledge base of the neurological basis of problem gambling has been shown to have commonalities with substance addiction. Comparisons between gambling and substance use will be discussed using videos and brain maps to illustrate their similar effects on the brain. Risk factors to becoming a problem gambler, including medical issues and mental health disorders that tend to co-occur with gambling disorder will be outlined. A gambler will share his personal story of addiction and recovery.

A treatment model which is tailored for this unique clinical issue will be discussed, and its application illustrated with the first person presentation, and several other detailed case examples, featuring use of CBT, the most well documented therapy for problem gambling. Both outpatient treatment, intensive outpatient program treatment and self-treatment will be featured, with attention to clinical criterion which might be used to appropriately target the level of treatment intensity.

The training will include the introduction of four of the commonly used brief screening measures, practical for therapists to employ to assess need for more specialized treatment, and often used by clients for self-assessment. These are the Lie/Bet Questionnaire (1997), the Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen (BBGS, 2011), the classic 20 questions from Gamblers Anonymous, and the widely used South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS). These are the most common and widely used screening tools in practice at present to screen for problem gambling.

Conflict of Interest - Yes.  This presentation is funded by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) – Office of Problem Gambling (OPG), through a contract with the National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse (NAPAFASA)


Debbie Rull, LPCC, CCGC-I, NCGC-I

Debbie Rull is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor in private practice and Supervisor of Problem Gambling Services at the Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC) Addiction Treatment and Recovery Division.  Ms. Rull is a California Gambling Education and Treatment Services (CalGETS) State Authorized Provider.  Ms. Rull is a California and National Certified Gambling Counselor who does problem gambling prevention and treatment in San Diego County.  Ms. Rull has been doing problem gambling workshops for the community and for behavioral health professionals for 10 years, and has taught doctoral level mental health practitioners (including psychiatrists and psychologists) the past 6 years.

Edgar Capacio, CATC-II, CCGC-I, NCGC-I

Edgar Capacio is the program supervisor of the Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC) New Leaf Recovery Center and a Technical Assistance Specialist in UPAC Problem Gambling Services.  Edgar is a Certified Addiction Treatment Counselor and a California Certified Gambling Counselor.  He has been in the field for over 20 years and is very much involved in educating the community about substance and gambling addiction.  He is one of the few Asian Alcohol and Drug Counselors from San Diego.  He also has written some articles in leading Filipino newspapers about alcohol and drug addiction among the Filipino community.  Edgar has received awards and recognition because of his involvement with the community.

Malcolm Blake

Malcolm Blake is a Peer Support Specialist in the CalGETS Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program for problem gamblers at UPAC in San Diego.  Malcolm also does prevention in the community through the UPAC’s Problem Gambling Technical Assistance and Training Project.  Malcolm has helped thousands of people who have been affected by gambling.  Having been an active member of Gambler’s Anonymous for 50 years, Malcolm has been involved in many aspects of GA, including organizing their international conferences and heading their public relations in San Diego.  He currently answers the GA hotline for gamblers and family members in crisis, and provides never-ending support to new and continuing GA members.  Malcolm shares his story of gambling addiction and recovery at numerous conferences, conventions, and workshops for clinicians, students, and the recovery community.


Sunnyo Pak is the Director of Union of Pan Asian Communities, Addiction Treatment and Recovery Division.  Ms. Pak is a California Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, a CalGETS approved provider, a California Certified Gambling Counselor II, and is in private practice in San Diego.  Ms. Pak currently serves on the advisory board of California Council on Problem Gambling and the executive committee of the San Diego Alcohol and Drug Services Providers Association.  Ms. Pak has given numerous presentations and participated in the training of other providers in the area of gambling disorder, mental illness, and substance abuse.  Ms. Pak is a long term advocate for the need of gambling prevention and treatment services for San Diego residents.

Suzanne Koch Eckenrode, MFT, CCGC-II, NCGC-II

Suzanne Koch Eckenrode has a private practice specializing in treating clients with gambling, other addictions and mental health issues as well as their family members in San Diego and Orange Counties. She is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a National and California Certified Gambling Counselor II. Suzanne has treated hundreds of gamblers and their families, has been involved in outreach and prevention and led trainings and forums on problem gambling, in California and Oregon. Suzanne is currently a Consultant for UPAC and NAPAFASA on the State of California’s Problem Gambling Prevention Technical Assistant & Training Project. She is also a trainer and supervisor for the California Gambling Education and Treatment Services Program. While at the nation’s most expansive outpatient gambling treatment program, Cascadia BHC, she developed and implemented a successful gender specific track and curriculum for the unique needs of the female gambler. Suzanne was the lead clinician for a Partial Hospital Mood Disorder Program and has experience in inpatient and outpatient treatment facilities, a University counseling center and community clinics. She holds two master’s degrees in Mental Health Counseling and Communication Studies. Suzanne has served on the Board of Directors for the California Council on Problem Gambling.

Attendance Policy: CE Credit and Certificates will not be issued to those who arrive later than 15 minutes or leave early from any course scheduled time. This policy is highly enforced to ensure compliance with APA Guidelines.

Cancellation Policy:  No refund will be given to any registered individual who is a no-show to a course. Any individual canceling within 72 hours of a course will be charged 50% of the course fee.                                                               

American Psychological Association

The San Diego Psychological Association (SDPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. SDPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

In California, APA approved CE’s are valid for licensed psychologists, licensed school psychologists, LCSW, LFMT, LEP & LPCC licensees. Though APA is a national organization, the out of state licensee should check with their state governing board  to make sure that APA approved CE'’s are valid in their state for their license. 

4  CPAC CE for drug/alcohol counselors provided through Aurora Behavioral Health Systems

Gambling Disorder is now included in the DSM-V as the only behavior in the Addictive Disorders diagnostic category. The growing knowledge base of the neurological basis of problem gambling has been shown to have commonalities with substance addiction. Comparisons between gambling and substance use will be discussed using videos and brain maps to illustrate their similar effects on the brain. Risk factors to becoming a problem gambler, including medical issues and mental health disorders that tend to co-occur with gambling disorder will be outlined. A gambler will share his personal story of addiction and recovery.

A treatment model which is tailored for this unique clinical issue will be discussed, and its application illustrated with the first person presentation, and several other detailed case examples, featuring use of CBT, the most well documented therapy for problem gambling. Both outpatient treatment, intensive outpatient program treatment and self-treatment will be featured, with attention to clinical criterion which might be used to appropriately target the level of treatment intensity.

The training will include the introduction of four of the commonly used brief screening measures, practical for therapists to employ to assess need for more specialized treatment, and often used by clients for self-assessment. These are the Lie/Bet Questionnaire (1997), the Brief Biosocial Gambling Screen (BBGS, 2011), the classic 20 questions from Gamblers Anonymous, and the widely used South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS). These are the most common and widely used screening tools in practice at present to screen for problem gambling.

Conflict of Interest - Yes.  This presentation is funded by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) – Office of Problem Gambling (OPG), through a contract with the National Asian Pacific American Families Against Substance Abuse (NAPAFASA)


Debbie Rull, LPCC, CCGC-I, NCGC-I

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San Diego Psychological Association
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San Diego, CA 92123

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(858) 277-1463
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