Ethics and Popcorn:
Stutz: A Critique - CPDs

PRODUCED BY: Ethics and Standards Committee
FACILITATED BY: Rochelle Perper, Ph.D./Debra Halliday, Psy.D.
DATE/TIME: OPTION 1 Thursday, February 23, 2023 7:00 PM
DATE/TIME: OPTION 2 Friday, February 24, 2023 6:30 PM
LOCATION: Home of Debra Halliday, Psy.D.
RSVP OPTION 1 Rochelle Perper, Ph.D.
RSVP OPTION 2: Debra Hallliday, Psy.D.
SDPA Members Only!
FEE: Free
DESCRIPTION: The Ethics and Standards Committee is hosting dual evening critiques of the film "Stutz" which is a patient's documentary of the therapist/psychiatrist relationship, followed by a critique. Themes of ethical boundaries and violations will be discussed by the attendees afterwards (e.g. limits of confidentiality).
The first evening option is a Zoom session where participants will have watched the movie prior to attending.
The second evening option is a live screening at the home of Dr. Halliday in Encinitas preceded by a hosted dinner, followed by dessert and critique.
The movie Stutz is described as follows on Phil Stutz is one of the world's leading psychiatrists. He's helped countless patients over 40 years, including world-class creatives and business leaders, and among them many therapy-skeptics. Directed by friend and patient Jonah Hill, the film explores Stutz's life and walks the viewer through his signature visualization exercises, The Tools. As Hill sits down with Stutz for an unorthodox session that flips their typical doctor-patient dynamic, they bring The Tools to life in a humorous, vulnerable and ultimately therapeutic experience. Featuring candid discussion of both Stutz's and Hill's personal mental health journeys, alongside the lighthearted banter of two friends from different generations, the film beautifully frames The Tools and the journey toward mental health in a manner that's accessible to anyone whether or not they are actively seeking help.
CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD): This activity qualifies for CPD under the California Board of Psychology Continuing Professional Development effective January 1, 2023, under the heading of "Peer Consultation", one hour of activity equals one hour credited. Licensee shall maintain a record of hours. The record shall include the date, type of activity, and total number of hours.