Multicultural Competence to Support Diverse Populations - 4 CE Credits

PRESENTER: Shakeer Abdullah, Ph.D.
DATE/TIME: Saturday, August 26, 2023 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Registration Begins at 7:30 AM
FOOD: Breakfast Foods/Beverages Provided
LOCATION: SDPA Office (United Way Conference Room)
4699 Murphy Canyon Rd
San Diego, CA 92123
COST: Members (No CE Credit) - Free
Members (CE Credit) - $50
Non-Members (No CE Credit) - $60
Non-Members (CE Credit) - $100
PARTICIPATION LIMIT: 60 (Due to Space Limits)
To Receive CE certificate: Once you register for this event, you will receive an e-mail from CE-Go with a QR code. Please bring the QR code with you in print or on your phone. The QR code will be scanned to sign you in and out during the event. The day after the event you will receive an e-mail with a link to your CE-Go dashboard where you will fill out the online evaluation forms and, upon completion, be able to print your CE certificate.
Attendance/Cancellation: To receive CE credit, participants must sign-in and sign-out of the course. CE credit will not be issued to those that arrive more than ten minutes after the start time of the course or leave prior to sign-out. This policy is strictly enforced. No refund will be given to any registered individual who is a no-show to a course. Any registrant canceling within 72 hours of a course will be refunded 50% of the course fee.
Clarification: "This training can ONLY be used under the new CPD requirements as APA Sponsored CE credits, not for Self-Directed Learning."
American Psychological Association
The San Diego Psychological Association (SDPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. SDPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
In California, APA approved CE’s are valid for licensed psychologists, licensed school psychologists, LCSW, LFMT, LEP & LPCC licensees. Though APA is a national organization, the out-of-state licensee should check with their state governing board to make sure that APA approved CE'’s are valid in their state for their license.