We enjoyed a productive meeting last month. Here are a few things we got done:
We voted to approve sharing our Continuing Education Course Proposal Review forms with the American Psychological Association to use as an example of how to uphold CESA standards. A big thank you to Bruce Liese, PhD, ABPP for his ongoing efforts with the Continuing Professional Development Committee to make SDPA’s CE process the example of how to uphold these standards.
We approved Dr. Thaddeus Camlin to become our Events Committee Chair, and are currently preparing for a special election for the Member at Large for Events. Thank you Dr. Ladera Linn for volunteering your time to fulfill this important board seat. The Events Committee now meets on Thursday mornings at 8am to coordinate their support of the Practice of Addiction Psychology Conference, the Summer Social, the fall conference, and the winter gala. They will also be working with the graduate student committee on Trivia Night at the end of the summer. Please reach out to Dr. Camlin directly if you are interested in getting involved.
We have successfully transitioned from Microsoft Outlook to a more secure setup with Google. Thank you to Katherine Prosser for supporting us in this change and getting our forms and documents organized in SDPA's new Google Suite. Our email system is now operational and security concerns have been addressed. If you ever receive an email that seems suspicious, you are always welcome to contact us.
We discussed the need for new leadership for the Science Fair Committee. Thank you to Richard A. Schere, PhD for the many years he contributed to the success of the science fair. Ian Schere, PhD reached out shortly after our board meeting to let us know that he will continue the legacy of this amazing committee that invests in San Diego youth. We are incredibly lucky to have both of you in our organization. Please reach out to Dr. Schere if you are interested in getting involved with this important event that prepares the next generation of psychologists.
Contact Us: San Diego Psychological Association 4699 Murphy Canyon Rd. Suite 105 San Diego, CA 92123